Gun Owners and Their Rights

Gun Owners and Their Rights

Guns are everywhere — in Orange County, in California and nationwide. All ages, prices, shapes and sizes, calibers, in gun shops and at gun shows, at gun ranges, in private homes and often in the wrong hands.
There’s no getting around America’s love affair with the Second Amendment. So if you have been arrested and accused of handling your responsibilities of gun ownership and gun safety in an incompetent or criminal way, you need to retain experienced defense representation immediately in case your constitutional rights were violated.
gun, criminal defense attorney for violent crimes
Your weapons violation defense lawyer should be able to access experts that investigate whether evidence against you was obtained through an illegal search and seizure, for instance. If that was the case, that evidence cannot be used to incriminate you.
A number of gun charges are “stand-alones” while others are an “enhancement,” or an increase in punishment, to another charge, such as assault or felon in possession of a weapon. Possession of a firearm can turn a misdemeanor into a felony offense. Specifics like these call for sophisticated advocacy that is customized to your unique legal issue.

Sal Ciulla, founder of the Law Office of Salvatore P. Ciulla in Santa Ana, brings a prosecution background and more than 25 years of experience to the protection of your rights in any weapons violation case, large or small. You should speak with Mr. Ciulla immediately if you have been arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of an unregistered gun, possession by a minor, unlawful sale of a firearm or possession of a machine gun, assault weapon or silence, among others.

Sal Ciulla knows the law, the inner workings of our courts and those who preside over them. He also knows how precious your gun rights are to you. He listens carefully to your version of the circumstances that led to your arrest, and turns what he learns into swift, decisive action on your behalf, both in and out of court.

This formula for success in handling cases throughout Southern California is evidence of Sal Ciulla’s longstanding motto: “Just win.” Help him to help you by contacting his full-service criminal defense law office today for an initial consultation. Call 714-542-0500 or send an email message.


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