Sexual Offenses


Sexual Offenses in California include forcible and statutory rape, child molestation, solicitation for prostitution, sexual battery, lewd conduct and possession of pornographic materials.  Certain cases carry lifetime prison terms and registration as a sexual offender under Meagan’s Law.

Sal Ciulla has over 35 years experience handling serious sex offenses cases.  He provides expert case evaluation.  Investigation into the circumstances of the case and the background of the alleged victim are crucial to determine false claims from legitimate crimes.  The consequences of conviction are very serious.  Don’t go to court unprepared. There is no substitute for experience in the courtroom.

sexual offenses

Recent Victory

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People v. Marlon A.  Defendant arrested and charged with attempted rape involving a female neighbor.  A nine year offer from the prosecutor was rejected. Jury trial cross examination by Mr. Ciulla revealed major inconsistencies with earlier statements given by the victim.  Jury verdict:  Not guilty.

People v. James B.  Limo driver arrested and charged with Lewd Act Upon Child Under 14, Furnishing Narcotics To A Minor, Rape By Use Of Drugs, and Sexual Penetration By Foreign Object.  Defense investigation revealed major credibility issues with the victim. All charges dismissed.

People v. Brad N.  Male nurse charged with rape of a quadriplegic female patient.  Issue of consent presented. Investigation revealed several differing accounts given by the victim.  Cross examination at trial exposed the victims lack of credibility.  Trial verdict: Not guilty.

People v. Ramon G.  Physical therapist employed by local high school charged with sexual battery on female student track star.  Defendant faced jail time, sex offense registration, and loss of license to practice.  Result:  All sex charges dismissed.  No jail.  No loss of license to practice.

Contact Sal Ciulla for expert case evaluation in Sexual Offenses cases. 714.542.0500


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