Drug Crimes, are broken down generally into three categories. SIMPLE POSSESSION, where the drugs are in an amount, and possessed in a manner that indicates they are personal consumption. POSSESSION FOR SALT / SALESwhere the facts suggest that the drugs are being sold. Indicators include the quantity being possessed, how the drugs are packaged, paperwork showing transactions, cash and/or weapons connected to the drugs etc. MANUFACTURING / CULTIVATION dealing with narcotics laboratories and growing marijuana.
If convicted, penalties for drug offenses vary greatly depending on the circumstances of your particular case. Certain cases may be eligible for DRUG DIVERSION or PROP 36 where jail time is avoided and the case gets dismissed at the completion of the program. Cases not eligible for those programs may be eligible for other DRUG REHABILITATION PROGRAMS instead of jail or prison.
Sal Ciulla has over 25 years experience handling drug and narcotics cases in state and federal courts. He has personally negotiated no jail deals and won jury trial acquittals in hundreds of cases. Don’t go to court unprepared. There is no substitute for experience in the courtroom.

Recent Victory

People v. Cheryl B. Defendant’s vehicle stopped by police at 3:00 a.m. for minor traffic violation. Police order defendant out of vehicle and search her and her car. Drugs found in her purse. Court finds that the police were on a “fishing expedition,” had no probable cause to initiate the search, and that the search took too long. Drug evidence thrown out and case dismissed.
People v. Lisa Y. Defendant was observed leaving a “stash house”. She was arrested with a large amount of narcotics in her purse, including cocaine and heroin. While out on bail, defendant was arrested again, this time for selling methamphetamine to an undercover officer. She was facing 7 years in state prison. Case resolved for 12 months in the Teen Challengerehabilitation program. No jail.
People v. Nathan B. Police search of vehicle reveals large quantity of prescription drugs. Defendant admits to possession. Defendant charged with possession for sales. Prior to motion to suppress based on illegal search, case dismissed.
People v. Michelle B. Physician’s assistant charged with fraudulently using patients credit cards to purchase prescription medication to support her own habit. Defendant faced jail and loss of her license to practice. Case resolved for drug counseling. No jail time. No loss of license to practice.
Get an Expert Lawyer for Drug Charges

We want to help you win through fair legal representation for any drug charges you may be facing. Please contact us today for more information and to set up a free consultation with our seasoned defense attorney!