Archives: Blogs

The Truth About Cyber and Computer Crimes

Computers can make our lives better. They can also be nothing but trouble — especially when a “glitch,” defect or malfunction in a personal or business-owned computer implicates you in a serious crime.

Whether the problem is operator error or a mistake within the machine, a computer can be used to

College Student Crimes

Has your college or university-enrolled son or daughter been arrested for DUI, underage drinking, disorderly conduct, a property crime, theft crime, drug crime, sex crime or violent crime in Orange County?

Is This Your “Third Strike” In California?

Those first two criminal convictions — for a violent sex crime, domestic violence charge or violent robbery — are two strikes against you in California, or any state with a Three Strikes law.

These outcomes stay on your criminal record forever. Effective with changes in the law in 2013, any new arrest for a serious violent felony could send you to state prison for

You Need Representation at Your DMV Hearing

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, the protection of your rights — and your version of what happened when you were stopped by police — is no do-it-yourself project. You need an experienced DUI lawyer on your side who knows the jurisdiction, knows who to negotiate with and above all, knows how to

When Accusations of Domestic Violence Threaten Your Rights and Future

A complaint of spousal abuse or child abuse typically mean one thing, whether or not the complaint is accurate: someone is going to jail. A “He said, she said’” situation is almost always difficult to sort out. But if you are the target of the allegation, you face a number of harsh punishments if you